It was not until first grade people really started to call me by Melanie. I remember sitting in class the first day, and Mrs. Barth was checking roll call. She said, "Melanie......Melanie?" I, like everyone else, looked around the room for the claimer of the name. "Melanie Lacy?"
Then it dawned on me, "Oh, that's me!" (children laughing) "But everyone calls me Squeek." I said, desperately trying to save face.
"Well, you're in First Grade now, dear. We'll call you Melanie."
I was sick a lot in First Grade, as I recall!
So, here I am, a grown woman. I am grateful that I do have a nice "normal" first name. Melanie has been my professional name, and many people do call me that. Which is fine. It has avoided many an explanation and possible judgement, as some have been rather put off when I have been introduced as Squeek.
However, the people who call me Squeek either just have no clue what my real name is because all my family, yes even my husband, and close friends call me that, or because they "get me." Then there are the many nicknames spawned from Squeek; Squirt, Squeel, Screech, Squid, Squawk, to name a few! I am definitely one of a kind -Squeek.
In three years, we had at least 16 people whom crashed overnight for a week or longer, and that includes out of state visitors. Many of those were friends needing a place to crash for a while.
My mother always said I "liked to bring home the strays" I loved "taking people under my wing" and helping them out. I also had some strange knack for drawing people to me whose mothers were deceased.
Five of my closest friends there had lost their moms. I was deemed President of the 'Dead Mothers Club' which didn't really exist. Greg said it was because I was "motherly" always helping people out, lending advice, and always a shoulder.
I worked as a waitress, and many of my friends I had made worked with me. When you worked 'till close, the servers would have you initial their sales sheet they had to turn in to the manager before they clocked out. This was needed to prove they had finished their assigned clean-up duty for the shift. So, when I closed, I would sign, of course, M A. So then I just became Ma 'Nacci short for Antonacci. It wasn't a name that stuck necessarily. I refer to myself as that when in reference to "mothering." Greg also calls me that when it fits the bill. So, I am Ma 'Nacci -manager of my home/helper to the "strays."